Posted: November 4, 2013
Hello everyone! Welcome to our class page!! We are very busy this week getting ready for our Remembrance Day ceremony and activites!! We have been practicing our "Remember Flander's Fields" song as well as "In Flander's Fields" poem for weeks now and we sound terrrific! Do you remember who wrote the poem "In Flander's Fields"? How about when it was written? We also finally began our posters for the Legion contest and in Language Arts we wrote Haiku poems inspired by Remembrance Day. They were really good! Ms. Gallant was really impressed!!! A Haiku does not rhyme. What do you remember about them? Here are the spelling words for this week: beautiful before discover enough first The link below will take you to a cool web site calles SpellingCity. Here you can practice your spelling words and also play some fun games with your words. I will also add it to a web link where you can use it everyweek to help you study your words in a new fun way!! Have a great night boys and girls!!!