Posted: November 5, 2013
Hello folks! We had a great day today in room 4! Here
is a bit of what went on. This morning we paired up and found a quiet spot in
the class to study our spelling words. It was fairly quiet during this time so
I think we should try it again tomorrow. The Haiku poems have now been printed
on our poppy paper and once the color is added should look fabulous! Check out
Mr. McCallum's web page for the marvelous math he is teaching. This afternoon
Mr. Cormier was in teaching the children about different feelings we have, which many
of you talked about in your Book of Gratitude. Our Legion contest posters are
almost finished. Boy do they ever take a lot of work! I was happy to see many
of you coloring in all your white spots!! It is our hope that they will be
completed by tomorrow otherwise we may have to send them home to finished as we
have many more things we need to do this week! Skating permission slips went home today to be signed and returned as soon as possible please. Have a good night and get a good night's sleep!