Posted: October 28, 2015
Are You Eating My Bearpaw? by Canyon Today was a stressful day when some helpful students took my car on a coffee run! (Check out the morning annoucements) We started the day with picture retakes for the students who requested it. If you missed you picture you can get them done at the Dewy Studio downtown Thursday after school. Our spelling word today was "binoculars" and our first and detail sentences were for "How to make cereal". We doodled an apple and went to language arts with Mrs. Hill. What is your favorite part of the daily five? After recess we had math. We practiced counting nickels and dimes. Can you make $0.25 with 5 coins? 4 coins? 3 coins? Thank you so much to all the volunteers who came in today to help with the hot lunch! After lunch we worked on our remembrance day posters. Remember your poster should be almost identical to your blueprint! In PE we played a game where you had to be a gravestone if you were caught by a witch! We finished off the day working on our posters and some students are already ready to add color! A memo went home about the halloween dance on Friday. Get lots of sleep and I will see you in the morning!