Posted: November 10, 2015
Selfie by Cole We had a very busy day today with the Remembrance Day ceremony. We started off the day with our regular routine. Our spelling word was "Australia", our "First," with two details was for a story called "How to make an ice cream float" and we doodled a Koala. We had a last minute rehearsal with the other grade two class for where to stand on the risers during the Remembrance Day ceremony, and we had an early recess treat. The Ceremony was wonderful and all the grade two's were well behaved! I was very proud of the students. After lunch and hot lunch we had guidance with Mrs. MacKenzie. She talked about responsibility and we worked on some breathing and mindfulness. In PE with Mrs. Hache we played freeze tag, zoo keeper, and a freeze dance! We finished off the day working on our Remembrance Day posters and they are almost all done! I will post some pictures of some of the finished products soon. Tomorrow is a holiday. Rest up and I will see you on Thursday!