Posted: November 12, 2015
Attack of the Leaves by Alexis I cant believe its Thursday already! We had a great day today at Ian Baillie. We started off our day with our regular routine. Our spelling word was "information". I was really pleased with how many students remembered the ending sound is "tion" not "shun" like it sounds. We did a "First," for a story "How to make a craft angel". We doodled a bunny. We did a quick math review and put some finishing touches on our Remembrance Day posters. After recess we had language arts with Mrs. Hill. We worked on our daily five routine and did some reading groups with Mrs. Hill. After lunch we went to the library. Remember there is no library next week due to the book fair. In PE with Mrs. Hache we played floor hockey. After PE we stayed in the gym for a game because we had more happy faces than sad faces! Did you like the samuri game? Get lots of sleep tonight and I will see you bright and early in the morning!