Posted: February 12, 2016
What a busy day at Ian Baillie School! We started out the day with our regular routine, our spelling word was "mildew" and our "First," was for "How to find a Valentine". We did a doodle of a fox for the last time.
Just before we could clean up and put our work away we all went to a surprise assembly! To end the Staff Appreciation Week, the students read letters to each of the staff and presented them with a rose (I got protien bars instead)! We were all very impressed with how well all of the students did.
When we came back up from the assembly we cleaned up and were called to the kitchen for a Valentines Day Treat-cess. Each student got to pick from trays of fruit and fruit dip.
After recess we had Language Arts with Mrs. Hill. We did some read to self, and read aloud work. We wrote about someone that we loved and we worked on a puzzle with the Chinese Zodiac.
At lunch the grade two's got the sliding hill because we missed our turn during the snow day this week. After lunch we handed out valentines and treats. Thank you so much for all the work everyone put into making and signing valentines for their classmates (and their teacher).
In PE with Mrs. Hache we had a game day. We played zoo keeper and other student choice games. Did you get to pick a game today?
We finished off the day going through the grade 3 classroom to look at the Heritage Fair projects. The grade 3 students did a wonderful job! Then we came back to the classroom and packed our agenda's. Two memo's went home today. Monday is Flag Day, so wear Red and White. The other memo was about French Immersion. We had our weekly draw before we went home and Jack won! I hope you enjoy your prize this weekend.
Have a great weekend, get lots of rest, stay warm, and I will see on Monday morning for more fun and learning!