Posted: February 18, 2016
It was as very busy day today! Our spelling word was "outflew", and our "First," was for "How to fake spilling a drink", and we doodled a dolphin.
In math we had a listening quiz, reviewed greater than and less than, worked on measuring using the pencil method.
After recess we had Language Arts with Mrs. Hill. We worked on the daily 5. We did a read aloud, word work with the endings "ite" and "ight", and some read to self. Mrs. Hill also talked about a Robert Munsch book.
After lunch we changed our books in the library and did a read aloud of a book about China.
In PE today Mrs. Hache was back and she had some crazy throw and catch devices. Which one was your favorite?
After PE we watched a quick video about a girl named Carly. Carly had a hard time finding a place to stay!
A memo went home today from the new principal, Chloe! Tomorrow we will be allowed to chew gum in school, wear your PJ's, and there will be a manditory show and tell, with time to play with Show n' Tell objects! It might be a crazy day!