Posted: May 31, 2016
Today was the last day of May! We are now into our last month of Grade 2! Wow this year is flying by. We started off with our regular routine. Our spelling word was "assembly" and our story was "How to win the Icare award". We doodled a robot and did some math. In math we worked on our place value charts. We went to the grade 3 classroom to gather data using tally marks, and we used bar graphs to show our data. After recess we went to LA with Mrs. Hill. We worked on our district writing assements. What is your story about? After lunch we had guidance with Mrs. MacKenzie. We worked on mindfulness. In PE we played some games. We finished off the day reading "The One and Only Ivan". Who asked lots of questions to Ivan? We finished off with our book of gratitude and packed up to go home. Get lots of sleep and I will see you tomorrow!