2016_10_12 Wednesday

Posted: October 12, 2016

What a beautiful fall day!  We started off our day with a new word wall word "what", we did a rhyming activity with "what".  Our spelling word was "cement" and our "First," was for a story called "How to Make a Pizza".  We doodled an elephant and then had a snack.  Had a snack? 

We had a snack before we got on the bus to go to Saint Andrews to watch the Celtic group Rathskallions.  They played some music, invited up some dancers, had lots of instruments, and told some stories.  It was a lot of fun.

We returned to the school just in time for outdoor recess. 

After lunch we had gym with Mrs. Hache.  She played a witch game with us.  I think it was because Halloween is coming up, not because she's a witch.

We came back to the class and talked about Fire Safety.  We watched two videos on Fire Safety.  Remember to get your smoke alarms checked.  We have fire drills at school, do you have them at your house?  Do you have a meeting place in front of your house?

We did our book of gratitude, packed a memo in our agenda's, and got our agenda's signed.  At the very end of the day we had a surprise fire drill!  It is fire safety week. 

Get lots of rest, dress warm, and I will see you in the morning.

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