Posted: November 16, 2016
What a fun day! We had skating, the bookfair, gym, an indoor recess, and lots of learning! Grade 2 is the best!
We started off with our rhyme riddle. What word wall words could help me spell "I might get a sheep" (right, keep). Our spelling word was "organization". How many syllables does that have? We worked on our closing for our "How to "stories. We doodled a puppy. I wonder if you will be able to draw a puppy without the instructions tomorrow? We did two rounds of the daily 5 before breaking early for a snack. You can't go skating on an empty stomach.
We went skating with the Grade 2's and 3's. THANK YOU to all the adults who helped with fastening skates and helmets! We can't tell you enough how much it is appreciated and makes the day go smoother. I was so pleased that everyone was safe, polite, and followed the rules.
After an indoor lunch, because it was raining and still not snowing, we went to the book fair to look at the books available. Some students took pencils and wrote the names of what they might like and took them home. Did you write more than one thing?
We had PE with Mrs. McFarlene. Who was your washer toss partner? What is the biggest safety rule when playing washer toss?
We finished off the day with a desk clean, a French greeting circle, and French version of a counting circle.
Have a great night, get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you in the morning.