Posted: November 17, 2016
I can't believe the week is already over! It flew by! We started off today with 3 rhyme riddles. What word could help me spell "other"? Our spelling word was "punctuation" and our closing was for "How to Read to Self". What is a closing? We doodled a puppy on our own without instruction. Everyone did a great job. We talked about becoming editors. What is an editor? We looked at punctuation and capitalization. We worked with pens. It was first time being editors and it was a little overwhelming and confusing for most of us. Thats ok, we'll just keep working on it! We also got in one round of the daily five. After an indoor recess we went to Mrs. Hill's room to check out our Christmas songs! We have some work do because our songs are hard! Do you remember the name of the first song we looked at? After Mrs. Hill's room we went to the book fair! That was very exciting. When we came back up we had to do a round of read to self! We got ready for recess and the bell rang. After indoor lunch we had PE with Mrs. McFarlene. We played some catch games. We went to computer next and worked on scratch. Check out the pricture of the day! I took a screen shot of Gavins code! He was able to make his sprite move with the arrow keys. He has completed the first step of programing a workable character in a game! Do you know which direction X is and which direction Y is? We finished off the day writing in our book of gratitude, getting our agenda's signed, and packing memo's on French Immersion. Have a great long weekend, get lots of rest, dress warm, stay dry, and I will see you on Monday!p>