Posted: November 22, 2016
We started off today with new morning sheets. That is rarely popular with the class. We got everything set up and had a lesson on how to draw lines and make a table with the ruler. We did a new activity called "using words". We gave four words and students had to use the endings to help them decide how to spell the word. The four words were "Red, Green, Black, Brown". Which word could help you read or spell the words queen or crown? Our spelling word was "capitalization". How many syllables is that? When you are spelling it, make sure each syllable has a vowel! We wrote a closing for "How to Fish" and we used blue and red pens to start the editing process. Did you find any mistakes in your writing piece? We also doodled a penguin.
After an outdoor recess with light flurries (dress warm), we practiced our Christmas song with Mrs. Hill's class. We came back to class and did a listening quiz with our doubles facts. We looked at a quick video on doubles. We also started the steps for adding two digit numbers. We did a quick adding circle and the bell rang to go outside.
We had Ed's for hot lunch. I only have a few hot lunch form's back for next week. I've added a copy of the up coming hot lunch's if you need to print off a new one. Dont miss out on this awesome program.
In PE we had Tally Tuesday. How many laps did you get? After PE we went to the computer lab to work on Scratch. Today we looked at sprites, different costumes for them, and how animation works. Did you find a new sprite?
We finished off the day with Mrs. Sturgeon doing guidance. We talked about using I-care language. I hope everyone in this class tries to use I-care language! I asked everyone to sign their own agenda with a happy face. Get lots of sleep tonight, dress warm (its already snowing), and I will see you in the morning.