Posted: January 17, 2017
What a great way to start the week! We started off the day with a quick review of our Zones of Regulation. What Zone were you in? Our making words sentence was "I WON'T climb the STEEPLE, so THEN you can do it an be BRAVE", our spelling word was "sequence" (what letter always comes after a "q") and our "CPTTS" was for a penguin. What Problem did your Character have? We doodled a penguin. In Language Arts we worked on quotation marks and did a quick round of read to self.
After an indoor recess we had Math. In math we had a listening quiz on place value, we talked about standard and non-standard units. We also did Mathletics in the computer lab.
At lunch we had pizza for hot lunch and we watched a bit of our video "My Friend Martin", around Martin Luther King.
We had PE with Miss McFarlene. Did you do Tally Tuesday today? Next we looked at some Scratch Project example in the computer lab.
We came back to the classroom and wrote in our agenda's and packed a memo for home.
Have a great night, get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you in the morning.