Posted: February 14, 2017
We were all very excited to see our friends after a little break, and on top of that it was Valentines day today! Everyone had a ton of energy! We started off the day rehearsing our song one time through with the other classes. Then we got straight to our morning sheet. What endings (ing, s, ed) did you add to "yell" and "jump"? Our spelling word was "romance" and our CPTTS was for an arrow. What was his small problem? Remember, small problem= small story, complicated problem=complicated story. We reviewed the difference between there, their, and they're, we watched a history on Saint Valentines day, and did a quick kahoot quiz before a read to self session.
After recess we went over some basic everyday measurement (taller, shorter, longer, wider, heavier, lighter). Then we went to the lab to do one session on mathletics. We got back from the lab and handed out some valentines and decorated some cookies. Then we packed everything up for lunch and went outside on the sliding hill.
After lunch we had PE with Miss Mcfarlene. We did tally Tuesday. How many laps did you run? Next we went to computer. We worked in wordpad. Can you find all the keys we need on the keyboard? Shift, enter, space bar, delete, backspace, and the arrow keys? We finished off the day with our closing activities, book of gratitude and get our agendas signed. No memos today. Get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you in the morning.