Posted: March 23, 2017
Today in Mr. McCallum's grade 2 class, we were a busy bunch! This morning, we had our literacy block. We started the morning the usual way, with our morning routine and a read a loud from our novel Cabin Creek. Then, we wrote a how-to piece on having the perfect, relaxing snow day! We shared our pieces with the class. They were all great!
Next, we had math. We were very busy in math. We practiced our subtracting skills as well as how to regroup. We watched a video that showed us how to do this then used hands-on maniupulatives as an aid. We regrouped using Base Ten Blocks. We also enjoyed a delicious fruit tray during our math class before recess, which was indoor as it was chilly!
After recess, we had PE. We played floor hockey and it was a blast. We ended our day by reading more from Cabin Creek, and a Book of Gratitude entry. We also earned a reward for our behaviour and the die landed on 6, which is computer free time!