Posted: March 30, 2017
Today was another good one in Mr. McCallum's grade 2 class. Mr. M was out for the day so Mr. Lynch was in. We started our day with our literacy block, where we did some homophone and syllable practice. Students got to work together to fill out their activity sheets. We also read from Cabin Creek and we are nearly finished... We are all excited to see how this mystery novel will end!
After little recess, we had math class. We started with a listening quiz and then we worked some more on our regrouping skills and then we got to do some mathletics online. This is always very fun.
After lunch, we had PE. During PE we played floor hockey and that was very exciting. Everyone played well together and the score was close! We ended our day with a computer class where we attempted to refine our Pacman skills. We are getting very good, some of us can even beat Ms. Patles!(who is a champ)
After our computer session, we came back to the classroom and cleaned it up for the parent/teacher interviews. Lastly, we did an entry in our books of gratitude. It was a great day!
Happy long weekend!