Posted: April 10, 2017
Happy monday! Today we began our day with a read a loud from Cabin Creek.. We are almost done the novel! Then, we did our daily sheet where we wrote a small story about a bunny! We also wrote page 3 of our books to our pen pals.Today we wrote asked and answered questions that our pen pals asked us in theirs.
Next we had math where we started with a listening quiz. We graded them together. We did some Base 10 Block regrouping questions and then a "Math By Myself" sheet.We are getting really good at regrouping with Base 10 Blocks. We had enough time to play a quick game of 7 Up!
After lunch we had gym. Ms. Patles peeked her head into the class and noticed that they were playing some really fun games. Our afternoon was quite exciting as well. We traced our silhouettes and filled them with pictures that represent us. Finally, we earned a reward and today it was a science demo. We made Magic Milk. It was messy but very cool!