2017_04_20 Thursday

Posted: April 20, 2017

Today in Mr. M's class, we did quite abit! First we had our literacy block. We did our daily sheet and we got to write our own story. We did a reading comprehension and corrected them together. Everyone did so well! We are in good shape for the upcoming assessments. We ended our block with a buddy read which was great because everyone was on task and doing what they were supposed to do.

Next we had math. We began with a listening quiz and then reviewed our subraction algorithm. We did a few questions using our algorithm and itis coming much easier than our regrouping with Base 10 Blocks! We are almos pros. After that, we did mathletics in the computer lab. Some of us did compensation for subtractions, others did mental subtraction.

After lunch we had gym. We played soccer and Ms. Patles heard it was great. We went to the computer lab and finished typing our pen pal letters. Early finishers got to type a B.O.G entry before playing some Friv! We ended the day with a B.O.G entry and a chair change.