Posted: April 5, 2017
This morning, we began with a literacy block where we worked on our editing skills. We also got to write a short story about a girl named Paula who lost her cat. Then, we took those skills and practiced them on our own pieces of writing. Then we got to do a buddy read for the last few minutes of class.
Next we had math. In math we practiced our algorithim for subtraction and refeshed our memory on our place value skills. Then, we went down to the computer lab for mathletics.
After lunch we had YYW during which we shared our Pen Pal letters with the class. These were so nice to read and it was special to receive a letter from a student at St. Andrew's. Then we went to gym class. After gym, we did a french lesson and we learned some new french vocabulary. We earned a reward for our behaviour and we got to watch a JibJab! We also earned a pizza party for having the nicest class picture of us wearing blue for Autism day. Our piza party will be on Friday.