Posted: May 1, 2017
Happy May everyone! Today, we had fun in Mr. M's class. We began with our daily sheet and we got to write our own stories and doodle a silly monster. We did a reading comprehension on Tanya and her piano lessons. We ended our literacy block with a read a loud on storyline.
After our literacy block, we had math. We began with a listening quiz and then some multi-digit regrouping questions, showing our work. We had a math by myself sheet and then played 6 Up!
After lunch we had gym. On Mondays in gym we do yoga and we were all nice and relaxed for our art lesson. In art, we painted pictures of whatever we wanted. There were lots of pirate ships and pretty flowers.
We ended the day with a B.O.G entry. Unfortunately, we didn't earn a reward because we were a bit hyper today. But tomorrow is another day!