Posted: June 6, 2017
Electronics day was fantastic! Thank you to the girls in my class for doing my make up, you did a great job! I'm glad I didn't get a detention for breaking the new principals rules.
Tomorrow morning we will be walking to JMH for the Black Light Show put on by Saint Andrew's. They are asking for a $2 donation.
Tomorrow afternoon it is supposed to be nice. The high school co-op students have come up with some WATER fun activities for gym class, please bring a change of clothes.
Thursday is our Field Trip to Camp Sheldrake. It is supposed to be very nice out, so put some sunscreen on in the morning, and remember to bring a lunch (there is nothing to buy on-site). The fee is $15/student, but our Home and School will be paying $5 for each student. Thank to everyone for sending in your $10.
Friday is Farewell to Ian Baillie in the afternoon. Stop in for tea/coffee and to look at some pictures from years gone by.