Kindergarten Supply List

Posted: August 11, 2016

Ian Baillie Primary

Kindergarten Supply List 2016-2017



·        3 Pkgs. Crayola crayons, 24 count (only Crayola please)

·        1 pair of student scissors (metal blade only)

·        8 small glue sticks

·        1 bottle of white “school” glue

·        1 Pkgs. white erasers

·        1 Pkgs. Papermate pencils, 24 count

·        1 pocket folders without prongs:  1 blue

·        1 Writing journal (1/2 top plain - bottom with lines,

size 23cm x 18cm; often called an Exercise Book)

·        4 duotangs:  2 yellow, 2 orange

·        1 Pkgs. Hilroys

·        2 box large Ziploc bags

·        1 box small Ziploc bags

·        5 boxes kleenex

·        2 box baby wipes **great for quick clean-ups

·        Indoor sneakers that will stay at school (Velcro or curly elastic laces)

·        Backpack and lunch can

·        $2.50 for Homework folder

***Please do not label items or purchase any Princess, Disney, Cars, etc. items as all supplies are put into a “community” bin to be distributed as needed.
