Posted: September 28, 2015
September 28 to October 2
Language Arts:
Each day we continue to work on our letter name and sound identification by singing our Zoo Phonics song and learning the actions for each animal. We are also learning about rhyme and beginning to learn about alliteration (the sound a word begins with). How could you finish this sentence? Lola likes ________.
We are learning to sort items based on a single attribute- color, shape, size, etc. We are also working on patterns. We are learning to identify “what comes next” and also building our own patterns.
Reminders for the Week:
Ø Homework went home today. Remember to practice reading your books and sight words every night.
Ø Picture day on Wednesday, September 30th.
Ø End of the Month Assembly on Friday, October 2nd at 12:30pm.