Posted: November 15, 2010
"I spent the weekend at my grandmothers and I got a new beyblade." Jacobe
"I got a Christmas pack of silly bands." Asia
"I had a sleep over at my Nanny's and Pappa's house and I spent time with my dad." Katelyn
"I went to Shannon's house and I got a Justin Beiber silly band." Rachel
"My team won 3 to 0 against Brendan's team in a hockey scrimmage." Logan W.
"On Saturday I got a watch on a key chain in the shape of a cell phone, it is cool!" Assiah
"I finally got a keychain for my library card, it is black and brown." Owen
"I got another partridge on the weekend." Brendan
"I went to a wedding this weekend." Zachary R.
"My dad got a deer this weekend." Logan P.