Posted: April 18, 2011
"I had a sleepover at my Nanny Flynn's house." Katelyn
"My dad bought a new car, it is an Impala. He surprised us this weekend with a visit." Logan P.
"I went to the Harlem Globe Trotters in Moncton, I got an autographed basketball." Zackery l.
"Ellie came over to my house this weekend and we went to the movie Rio." Shannon
"I went to Rexton to visit my grandmother and I nearly had my foot ran over and my finger slammed in the door." Jacobe
"Liam came for a visit, I sacred my brother when we were playing hide and seek.' Zachary R.
"My grampy got back from his trip down south and he is bringing me a present." Rachel
"This weekend my team, The Moose went to Belldune and we beat them 21 to 1." Logan W.
"I played defence for The Moose and I scored a goal. Bobby Orr (Brendan)