Weekend News May 9th 2011

Posted: May 9, 2011

"On Saturday I slept over at my friend's house and we had lobster for Mother's Day." Jacobe "I got two stitches on the weekend on my upper lip." Logan P. "My dad and I played Poker this weekend." Zachary R. "My step brother came over and I fixed the pool table. I got a new bike." Sean "Yesterday the Moose played hockey and we won both games. This weekend are the playoffs in Riverview." Logan W. "I had a sleep over at my Nanny Lamont's house and she brought me presents from Florida." Katelyn "I had three lobster this weekend. I played defense for the Moose this weekend, we won both our games." Brendan 'I was shopping in Moncton on Mother's Day, well actually I waited in the car." Cameron