What We've Been Up To! (October 30th)

Posted: October 30, 2013

     We have been learning to use capital letters for names of peoples, pets, places, holidays, months of the year and days. We also have been learning to use periods at the end of a telling sentence, question marks when asking something of someone and exclamation marks when excited. In our journals we are trying to use the format: First, Next, Then, After that, and Finally.      In math we are learning that each digit in a number has a place value. We have learned: ones, tens and hundreds place. Recently we are learning the names of coins and some basic counting of simple coin combinations. It would be helpful if you could show your child some change and let them name the coins and count some combinations of coins. Mental math is critical and drill is needed of doubles, combinations that make ten and the strategy of counting on when adding 1, 2 or 3 to a number.      With Remembrance Day coming up we have been discussing Anne Frank's Diary (at their level) and the Poem In Flander's Field. On Friday we will begin to work on our Remembrance Day Posters for the Legion's Poster Contest. On page 4 of my web links on my teacher page you can take a virtual tour of Anne Frank's hiding place.