Posted: January 27, 2014
Did you know that fruit drinks, pop, and sports drinks usually contain lots of added sugar, very few vitamins and may contain caffeine? For example, one 700ml bottle of sports drink has 10 teaspoons of sugar – the same amount in one can of pop. These are not considered healthy beverage choices.
The Dietitians of Canada recommend:
-Children 1 to 8 years old get 6 cups of fluid (liquid) per day (1 cup = 250 ml)
-9 to 13 years old girls should get between 8-9 cups per day
-9 to 13 years old boys should get between 10-13 cups per day
-The human body is about 60% water.
-That goes for children too!
-So encourage them to choose water first as a drink. Try filling a thermos with cold ice water (saves money as well).
-This is also a great drink for snacks!
-Children should have at least 2 cups (500 ml) of milk per day.
-New Brunswick schools offer milk at a reduced price.
100% Fruit Juice
-Can be a good source of vitamins.
-Canada’s Food Guide recommends eating whole fruits more often than juice.
-When choosing juice look for 100% fruit juice.
-1 serving of fruits & vegetables = 1/2 cup of juice.
-You should limit juice to no more than 1 cup per day.