Soccer Jamboree

Posted: October 11, 2013

  Our grade 2/3 soccer players that have been participating in our lunch time soccer league have been invited to participate in a year end soccer jamboree!  The parents of these students who have given up their lunch hour over the past few weeks will be contacted by the school.  It will take place on Tuesday Oct 15th at Gretna Green Elementary School.  Gretna Green, Harkins, and St. Andrews will also participating.  The kids will be playing one (maybe 2) 30 minute games.   Gretna Green will have a 3:00 exhibition game and all the school teams will play at 4.  There will be two fields running at the same time.  The jamboree is scheduled to finish between 5:30 and 6:00 pm.   Grade 3 students can stay after school prior to the game to be picked up by their parents; grade 2 students will follow their regular after school routine and will meet at Gretna Green for 3:40.  Please send a water bottle. Remember students, you are ambassadors and guests.  School rules and behavior will be in full effect at this event.  We have had a terrific season with these students and are extremely pleased to invited to this event,  make our school proud and good luck!