Weekend News

Posted: May 16, 2011

"Vernon, my husbands's cousin set sail on Sunday morning. He is sailing for a year to the Mediteranian and Caribbean Islands. His crew will change three times during the year." Mrs. Glendenning "I got a new kitten this weekend, his name is Rocko." Katelyn "This Friday I am leaving to go to Moncton for a hockey tournament." Logan W. "I drove my cousin's four wheeler and I played my X-Box." Logan P. "On the weekend Rhyan came to my house and while she was in the tree house she found a big bug!" Shannon "I changed the tires on my four wheeler but they were not bolted on and they fell off while I was driving." Matthew "I had a sleep over at my friend Devin's house, we played road hockey." Jacobe "I went to baseball practice and I hit the ball twice." Zackery L. "My mom, dad and I set up the trampoline this weekend." Brody "I went fishing with my dad on my row boat this weekend afterwards I had a Big Mac." Brendan