Weekend News January 17th, 2011

Posted: January 17, 2011

"I might get my ears pierced on Thursday!" Rachel "I cross country skied 5km yesterday at the Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club in Nelson." Shannon "On my DSIXL I restarted Mario Kart and I am still the master!" Owen "I played XBox Live and got attack dogs." Jacob "I went sliding with Logan P at England's Hollow." Brendan "I went sliding with my friend Holly and my sister Kyoko." Assiah "I was being hauled on a sled by my friend's skidoo." Logan W. "I went to my da's house and I went sliding." Katelyn " I went to play hockey at Liam's outdoor rink and then we went inside to play Rock Band." Zachary R. "I went to Liam's and I played Rock Band with Zachary." Logan P.