Posted: November 25, 2013
Frosty by GeorgiaOur first day back after a long weekend! There were lots of little stories that had to be told before anyone could settle down and get any work done! Check out some of our stories in our Morning Letter that was read by Ryan! Great job Ryan! We went to language arts after our letter was completed. Check out Miss Gallants teacher page to see what we did. At recess most of the class had choir practice! The choir sounds great! In math today we had the first part of a quiz and started our title pages as a responsible choice for our next unit on Addition and Subtraction. We had an indoor recess today because it was too windy and cold to get outside. The photogragher of the day loved the self timer, great job exploring the settings. Peer helpers were still on duty! After lunch we had PE with Mrs. McCarthy. I saw her come in with a music speaker, do you remember what you did? After PE we had health and social studies with Miss Gallant. In health we talked about dental care, and in social studies we learned a song to tell us the name of the provinces and the territories. Do you remember how many provinces and how many territories there are in Canada? We finished off the day with our normal routine, clean, book of gratitude, agenda's with memo, and get ready. Get lots of sleep tonight, we have a full week! See you in the morning.