Posted: December 9, 2013
Running Man by GeorgiaWe started today with our first rehearsal at JMH for the Christmas Concert! All of the classes, the choir, the MC's, were all great! It should be a wonderful show. Georgia took todays picture. We have talked about lighting alot and using the timer, but this is the first one I've seen with lots of "lines". Great job! We came back to school in time for a quick math review and then had an indoor lunch. After lunch we we went to language arts with Miss Gallant where we worked on our persausive writing pieces! Check out Miss Gallants teacher page for this weeks spelling words. After language arts Mr. Waye came in to speak to us about science. We finished up the day dicussing some science topics we could use for our science fair after Christmas. Wednesday is our concert at JMH, so bring your smiles and your best singing voices. See you tomorrow.