Posted: December 20, 2013
Thoughts of Under the Tree by ThomasWhen I came in the building this morning you could feel the energy! It was the last day of school before Christmas and it was PJ day! To say we were excited would be a huge understatement! Once OCanada started order was returned. We all went to Miss Gallants room to make Christmas themed bags with felt fronts. Some of us made snowmen, some elves, and some gingerbread men. They looked great. That took us all the way to recess. After recess we painted wooden reindeer! They turned out great! We had an indoor lunch because it was almost -20 on the playground with the windchill. After lunch we bundled up in our skipants and walked down to the united church for our end of month assembly. We handed out some well deserved awards and shared some milk and cookies! We walked back up and found all the Christmas bags we made in the morning with a little treat in them! The teachers also found lots of treats from the students. Thank you so much everyone for the wonderful gifts! After we opened our treats and had another quick snack, we cleaned up our desks and the classroom. Then it was time to go home! The day flew by! Everyone have a wonderful break, thank you again for the gifts, MERRY CHRISTMAS, and I will see everyone in 2014