Posted: February 3, 2014
White Knight Rises by BenFirst school day of February and all was well! We started off with a different twist to our language arts warm up. I asked to students to complete the sentence "When I grow up, I want to be ______ because _____". Some students said, "But I think I want to be lots of different things!", so we just chose one for today. What did you choose? In language arts with Miss Gallant there are no spelling words this week. Mr. McCallum may have borrowed Miss Gallants book and temporarily misplaced it! OPPS! Dont worry, I'll find it and we will have spelling again in no time! Today in LA we worked on how to research! This is great because we all have heritage fair projects that will require some research! At recess we have begun to use 3M as the eating room, and 3G as the playing room. You have to eat before you can play and you need to keep the food tidy and in one room. After recess we had math. In math we started out with a quick listening quiz that I posted on this page. Did you find it hard? We also talked about tally marks, data, and titles for charts, before we had to produce those things in our board work. We didn't do anything in the textbook today. We did get to go outside on this beautiful day! Using one class as a lunchroom is working so nicely we have decided to all eat lunch in one classroom for a while too. The students really seem to like this too! After lunch we went to PE were we got out the big mats and did gymnastics. Do you remember what we learned to day? I know I couldn't do a back bridge! Could you? In social studies we worked on our Heritage fair project. Those are coming along nicely! We finished up the day with our closing activities, cleaning, organizing, books of gratitude, and agenda's! It will be a full week and Friday we get to see a magician! Get lots of sleep tonight and I will see you tomorrow.