Posted: April 30, 2014
I cant believe the week is over already! We started off today with our show and tell presentations. Everyone had a few things prepared to say about their items and it went pretty quick. Good presentations everyone! After show and tell we had a quick math review of dividing. We went to recess a few minutes early so everyone could share their show and tell items a little less fomally. After recess we had language arts with Miss Gallant. It was a catch up day! Everyone got a chance to finish and polish their chapter summaries and other work that may have slipped a bit behind. It was a beautiful day outside. Grade 3 got the soccerfield and some of the ladies had art club with Miss Gallant and Mrs. Hache. We had Subway for hot lunch today! Thank you to all the volunteers who make that program possible! After lunch we went to JMH for PE with Miss McFarlene. When we came back we had a combien Computer/Art class. We used the program paint to "paint" a flag scene. Do you remember why Ctrl-Z is so helpful? After computer we had our weekly draw. I cant remember the big winner, can you? We did our books of gratitude and went home. New Hot Lunch memo's went home today. It will be a full week next week. Get lots of rest this weekend and we will be ready for a full week next week! Have a wonderful long weekend.