Posted: January 19, 2010
Its been a bit hard for me to adjust my schedule lately and I have missed a few days on the agenda's and Morning Letters because of it, but I think I have everything under control and we should be back to clockwork now. We read our Jigsaw Jones book today. When we left Jigsaw and Mila they were about to go into the Ghost Writers house, only, something about it made it seem.... not so spooky. Do you remember what it was? We also talked about outdoor activities today like ice fishing, and we did some cool writing. I will try my best to get some of the stories online soon. We had some high scores in Fast ForWord today. In math we launched our Unit on Measurement. You can help your child by having them compare and order objects in your home using words such as longest/shortest and heaviest/lightest. Tomorrow I am out in the morning, but Mr. Somers will fill in for me until lunch. Don't forget your book orders, and I will see you soon.