Posted: February 3, 2010
We do have a spelling test on Friday, but I forgot to post that today. The words were posted earlier this week. A good day today. This class (including myself) finds it very hard when we don't get outside. We tend to crank up the crazy when this happens. We do have some outlets at recess like dance revolution on the PS2, board games, computers, coloring sheets and other responsible choices. Everyone gets their name on a wheel so that everyone gets a chance to rotate through these activities, but it really doesn't substitute for a good run outside. That being said, due to the "crazy", we have moved from a 3 strike system, where the class stays in; to individual names get taken off the wheel for a day put into the penalty box at recess to do printing sheets. We had a couple of penalties today, but thats to be expected with a rule change. In our chapter book today we found some silver spurs that we think might be important! Do you know why? In PE we did some work with the scooters. In Math we introduced using non standard "units" to measure things. We used "worm units" in our example on the smart board to measure a gingerbread man, but can you think of some things we said would be good measuring units? How about things that might not be so good and why?