Agenda 02_15_2010

Posted: February 15, 2010

  Happy Flag Day!  We had a very nice assembly today and our class was well behaved.  I know its been hard for all the kids at school this month with all of the activities that are going on; I know how hard it can be for grade 2 with so many irregularities in their schedule; I've been very proud at the effort our class is putting in every day!   In our book today the kids made it off the island and back home before their parents found out!  We had Fast ForWord, recess, and assembly.  After assembly we did some math (using snap cube units), and finished up the day with music.  I wont be at school tomorrow, Mr. Somers will be in class in my place.  Best Behavior everyone!  Don't forget, our class is nominated for 2 CUTE awards!  Best website, and our song "Feet on the Floor".   On top of that our own Zach R is nominated for a Junior Reporter Award!  Everyone is welcome to attend on Wednesday night!   See who else at Ian Baillie has been nominated at the following link: