Agenda 03_22_2010

Posted: March 22, 2011

We started the day with Fast For Word (our last week).  After Recess we did some writing, introduced "closing" as part of a "how to story".  The closing has 3 parts, 1)exit out 2) Opinion 3) Question.  Can you remember the names of the 3 parts of a story? (Remember we dont say beginning, middle, and end in grade 2.)  At lunch time floor hockey Nunavut beat out Saskatchewan because Sask. didn't have enough players.  After Lunch Mr. Lange came in, he found our class a bit "wild" today.  Before we went to gym we took our folders and agenda's and packed up our spelling tests.  We ended up getting 2 full strikes because it took so long for the class to get it done and listen to the teacher!   We ended up missing most of gym class, before ending the day with Mrs. MacIssac to do writing.  Luckily, when I was late coming back from gym and found the entire class sitting properly and quietly in their seats waiting for me!  How could I not erase a strike?  Stay tuned for our next morning letter, and remember taht tomorrow is a new day.  Make sure you get lots of sleep tonight and I will see you in the morning!