Posted: November 16, 2009
I missed the audio for the morning letter again! Strike two for me. What a busy day! Jack and Annie finally got to use the wand! Right now they are riding on the back of dragon and I cant wait to see what happens next. We learned about the things we will do to start word work in Language Arts! We did some gymnastics in gym. In math we took a look at our new video question, and worked on our Math Word Wall. I also sent home a sheet for show n' tell today. Show n' Tell will be on Thursday and it is OPTIONAL. The reason I sent the sheet home is simple, I have seen Show n' Tell where it is thoughtful, prepared, and interesting...but I have seen it where it is a chance to bring toys to school. I know which one I want! Remember NO SHEET = NO SHOW. We also got a sneak peak at one of the songs we will be singing for the Christmas show! Its coming quick! Its a short week with no school Friday. See you tomorrow.