
Posted: January 27, 2014

  Did you know that fruit drinks, pop, and sports drinks usually contain lots of added sugar, very few vitamins and may contain caffeine?  For example, one 700ml bottle of sports drink has 10 teaspoons of sugar – the same amount in one can of pop.  These are not considered healthy beverage choices. The Dietitians of Canada recommend: -Children 1 to 8 years old get 6 cups of fluid (liquid) per day (1 cup = 250 ml) -9 to 13 years old girls should get between 8-9 cups per day -9 to 13 years old boys should get between 10-13 cups per day Water -The human body is about 60% water.

Posted: January 16, 2014

Family Literacy Day is January 27, however Ian Baillie students and staff will be celebrating it on January 29, 2014 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.   This year Family Literacy Night will take on a new format, due to the fact that we do not have a gymnasium. Your child will go with their homeroom teacher for the evening to read, do a craft, and enjoy milk and cookies. As well, each child will receive a free book at the end of the evening.  

Posted: January 16, 2014

 Elementary Literacy Friends (ELF) is a volunteer-based literacy program that helps Grade 2 students who would benefit from additional one-on-one literacy activities. ELF provides training, materials, feedback and all of the support necessary for each volunteer to make a positive, lifelong impact not just on a student, but on how that student will contribute to society throughout his or her life. Volunteers do not need previous teaching experience; only a willingness to help and commit to the ELF requirements.

Posted: January 13, 2014

Making Healthy Snacks Fun!   Snacks are important and children should enjoy eating them too. If we enjoy something we are more likely to do it. This document provide you with tips on how to get your children interested in the snacks that they are eating beginning from helping to select them at the grocery store to opening up their lunch box to see what will make their recess time more exciting. Read on for some exciting ideas and recipes.

Posted: January 8, 2014

Healthy Snacks This month the focus for the Mango Mania Blitz is on Healthy Snacks. Keep looking for our weekly posts about these “mini meals” that are very important to children and their ability to play and learn. Snacks are important to both children and adults and we will provide some snack ideas as well as some advice on how to make snacks appealing to your children. The attached document will help introduce the topic and get you started with some ideas. January 27th - 31st will be Mango Mania challenge week so children will be encouraged to bring healthy snacks to school.  

Posted: December 20, 2013

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. I will see everyone back at Ian Baillie on January 7, 2014.

Posted: December 12, 2013

I just got home from a meeting with the Minister of Education. She has agreed that the students and staff will be staying at Ian Baillie and the gym will be fixed in the summer.

Posted: December 4, 2013

This is a reminder of an important meeting being held at James M. Hill Memorial High School beginning at 6:30 pm. District and Department of Education and Early Childhood officials will be on hand to discuss options that are being explored to deal with the infrastructure issues at Ian Baillie Primary School. At present time, Ian Baillie Primary School is safe for students and staff, and meetings have been scheduled with all of our stakeholders to discuss the options, one of which is the possibility of moving the students to Dr. Lostier Middle School until the end of the school year.  

Posted: December 3, 2013

There will ba an important meeting for parents at JMH at 6:30 on December 4. Child care will be provided. There is a notice going home today, and I have also posted it on this web site.

Posted: November 29, 2013

Coats for Kids – As you may have heard on the radio Rousselle Toyota has been involved in the Coats for Kids campaign.  They have dropped off a number of coats at the District Office.  If your child is in need of a good second hand coat please contact the school and we will try our best to outfit them.


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