Balloon Car Challenge! Ian Baillie has a challenge for you! It’s Simple… Who can make an air powered car that can drive the furthest?
Hint: Friction is a force that acts in an opposite direction to movement.
MATERIALS Every package will contain: 1 Empty water bottle 4 plastic tops 3 Popsicle sticks 2 straws 1 pipe cleaner 1 Balloon Plus… you can use/add any fasteners you like (tape, glue, nails, or screws)
During bussing hours, which are from 7:50am to 8:30am and from 1:45pm to 3:10pm (approximately), the area in front of the school entrance is for busses only. This is necessary in order to ensure the safety of the children so that they will not attempt to run between vehicles. Parents who drive their children to school or pick them up after school are asked to use the parking lot on the north side of the District Office in front of playground.
As a result of the two storm days, November 23rd and December 3rd, and with the rescheduling of Christmas Dinner date, we have been forced to change the date for the Christmas Concert. To avoid a conflict with St Andrews School Concert our new date is: December 14, 2015 at 10:00am
As a result of the two storm days, November 23rd and December 3rd, and with the rescheduling of Christmas Dinner date, we have been forced to change the date for the Christmas Concert. To avoid a conflict with St Andrews School Concert our new date is:
December 14, 2015 at 10:00am
In December Mrs. Hosford's Grade 3 class will be collecting food for the local food bank. Please send in any canned goods or non-perishable food items. there will be a box set up in the upstairs hallway for this worthwhile project. Mrs. Hosford's class will be going to the Food Bank to personally deliver the goods December 15, 2015.
The Christmas season is soon approaching!!! Wednesday Dec 2nd we will be
having our Christmas Dinner for the Students, Teachers and Staff at Ian
Baillie. The Culinary Class from James M. Hill will be coming in and
putting on a delicious Christmas Dinner. The students will be having Ham,
Potatoes, vegetables, dessert and a drink. Teachers and Staff will be having a
traditional turkey dinner with all the trimings. If you have any questions you
can email:
Santa is Coming!!