Mr. McCallum’s Grade Two class made the finals in the Peoples Choice category for thier web page in the District 16 “CUTE” Awards contest. So, we want you to vote, vote, vote, vote, vote…….one vote per email address.
Here is what to do;
Go to the district 16 website
Scroll down and under the heading
Vote On-line for the CUTE Innovative Use of Technology Award Now!, scroll down to “read more”. Click on read more and follow the link to vote for Mike McCallum’s grade two class. Thanks so very much.
"Feet on the Floor" is definitely a teacher pleasing tune sung by Mr. McCallum's grade two class. Check it out by going to Mr. McCallum's class page.(Teacher Pages). Great job boys and girls!
Come on out and enjoy some fitness fun with your family with Tobi and Abby at Ian Baillie Primary School. The cost is $5.00 and all proceeds will go towards the Grade Three Field Trip to Moncton at the end of the year. It starts at 6:15 until 7:00. Tell all your friends!