Next week the students get to have a little fun, while raising money for Haiti.
Monday-Bring a loonie and dress up like a nerd.
Tuesday-Bring a loonie and dress backwards.
Wednesday-Bring a loonie to wear your favorite or crazy hat.
Thursday-Bring a loonie to wear your pajamas to school.
Even though the weather was miserable over 100 children and parents showed up to be on the float Friday evening in the Parade of Lights.A big thank you to the Home and School for organizing this.
Tomorrow is the big day! Please come dressed for the weather. Ian Baillie will be right in front of the stage. We'll meet all parents and volunteers at the James M. Hill track at 10:00. Choir sings at 10:09. Can't wait.
The Home and School picked up 34 more hats for the Olympic Torch Ceremony at a price of $2.50 each. If you did not get a hat and wish to purchase one, they will be on sale starting Tuesday, November 24th at 8:40, after the morning announcements.
Please note the date given in the newspaper for the H1N1 vaccination is not correct( Nov.8). The correct date is Nov. 9th as previous stated in memo's and emails.