Posted: February 9, 2011
A busy day today. We "borrowed" Mrs. Hache's recipe for good writing and took a quick first look at the seven parts. The one part we spent some time on was organization. There were certain things that I look for organization on our page when we write, do you remember some of them? Fast For Word is going great and we even have some people who have moved to level 2 already! CHOIR PEOPLE will be busy for the next few lunch hours (Thurs. Fri. and Mon.) because Flag Day is on Tuesday! In Gym today we did a much better job of listening, and got to spend much more time playing our games (and much less on instruction adn waiting for people to freeze). That might be because we had to stay in at recess for 5 minutes for the first time all year, and hopefully the last! On a more positive note, our classroom looks great after our big desk clean out! Get lots of sleep and see you Tomorrow!