Mr. McCallum

Grade 2M

Posted: September 14, 2016

The rain held off until the afternoon and we got to go outside for both recesses today!  Everyone came into class and set up their page for the opening activities.  We worked on our Word Wall, spelling (superstition), an introduction for "How to Sleep", and we doodled a dog using the number 5. 

In Language Arts we worked on some decoding strategies.  We talked about the long and short sounds that the vowels make and how sometimes if we are stuck on a work we can try flipping those sounds.  We also talked about skipping over a difficult word and coming back to it.  We worked on our daily 5 Read to self and buddy reading activities.  Everyone worked very independantly and I know we are making gradual increases to our stamina. 

Next we had math.  In math we did a listening quiz, we did math with a friend (poison pill), reviewed our pattern vocabulary (element, core, increasing, attributes), and we worked on our counting on strategy for adding double and single digit numbers.   We also took some time to go over our lockdown procedure as we will be having a practice on Friday. 

After lunch we finished our Flat Stanley book.  What was Arthurs great idea that helped Stanley?  We also had You and Your World.  We discussed family, how families can be different and what make someone a family member.

Then we went to PE with Ms. McFarlene.  I came back just in time to see you playing "Dead Ant" and sweating alot!  

Finally we finished off the day with some work on our Greeting each other in French!  We signed and packed our agenda's and got the time we earned for free time from following our classroom brain based rules. 

There is a meet the teacher presentation in the gym tonight at 6:00 and all are welcomed to attend!  Hope I see some parents and guardians there!  Get lots of sleep and I will see you tomorrow!

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Posted: September 13, 2016

It was a busy day!  I am so pleased that the students are coming into the classroom in the morning and getting their jobs done straight away.  Before any work could really get started today we had a fire drill.  It went very well!  We came back inside and worked on our word wall words for the week, our spelling word (competition), our introduction for "How to Dance" and we doodled an elephant. 

In math we did another listening quiz and went over how to set up our books again.  We reviewed patterns and the terms Core, Element, Increasing, and Attribute.  Do you know what all of those words mean?  We also worked on math with a friend before recess. 

After a beautiful outdoor recess we had langugage arts.  We went over how to start a sentence and the 3 punctuation marks we use to stop a sentence ( .  !  ?  ).   We also talked about indentation.  What is a dent in a can?  What is an indent in a story?   We did a write to self about a small moment, what did we do at todays recess.  We also went over our I Chart for read and write to self.  What does the I stand for? (Independant).  I hope you worked on building your stamina.  We also had a share where some students shared about the book they were reading. 

Next we had an outdoor lunch.  Before the bell rang each student recieved a smiley face cookie!  Thank you Tim Hortons!  We then went to gym with Ms. McFarlene for tally Tuesday. 

In computer we continued to work on gettting everyone logged in on their own.  Colbie also stopped in to get some books.  She wont be at school for few days because her eye is injured and needs to heal.  She was in great spirits though!  We are excited for her to return! 

We finished off the day with Ms. Sturgeon and guidance.  We talked about how everyone in the class might be the same, but maybe not the world.  Can you think of any examples? 

I signed the agenda's, a hot lunch memo went home, and packed up for the day. Get lots of sleep and I will see you tomorrow!

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Posted: September 12, 2016

A busy day at Ian Baillie!  We started off the day learning about a classroom job.  Do you remember which job?  We did our word wall, spelling word (concentration), an introduction for "How to sing a song", and we doodled a cheetah.

In language Arts we did our daily 5 activities.  We talked about the different ways we read books and did a read to self.  We talked about writing about a small moment and took some time to write to self.  We also had a 10 minute share, where each student that wanted to could share the small moment story they had written. 

After recess we had math.  We did a quick listening quiz before talking about patterns.  Today we looked at two different types of patterns, repeating, and increasing.  Can you think of an example of an increasing pattern?  We also did a pattern worksheet.

After lunch we had PE with Ms. McFarlene.  Did you do any yoga related activities today? 

Then we came back to the classroom and read Flat Stanley.  How did Stanley become a hero?  Why is he sad right now? 

After that we had art.  We talked about the upcoming pumpkin fling, and the spirit award.  We started to make blue prints for some signs that we will be making to take with us and cheer on our school.

Finally we packed a memo into our agenda's, I signed the agendas, we packed our bookbags and went home!  Have a great day and I will see you tomorrow!

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Posted: September 9, 2016

I can't believe the first week is over already!  Everyone is catching onto the routines and we are getting into the swing of things!  We started off the day with our regular routine.  We came in, set up our pages, I checked agenda's, and we started working.  Our spelling word was "operation".  How many syllables does that word have?  What does each syllable need when sounding it out?  We did an introduction for a  "How to Make a Cake" story.  We doodled a horse, and put our sheets in our duotangs.  Duotangs are still a bit tricky.

Next we had our language arts.  We went over two new words "independantly" and "stamina".  Do you remember what those mean?  We worked on our read to self and went  over the expectations for buddy reading.  It was raining outside so we also had our first indoor recess.  Everyone did a great job cleaning up and being respectful of the room!

Then we had our first "Make Something That Does Something" class.  We made Pattern Chains with Magnets to pick up paper clips.  Not bad for our first time!

After a beautiful outdoor lunch we had PE with Mrs. McFarlene in the gym.  We worked on our bus safety in YYW (You and Your World) and we had some free time that we earned with our brain based rules.  Do you know all 5 rules yet?  We finished off the day packing and signing our agenda's.  Have a great weekend and I will see you bright and early Monday Morning!

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Posted: September 8, 2016

Another great day in Grade 2 at Ian Baillie. As the students came in they started their morning sheet right away, and opened their agenda's so I could check for notes. We even had a chance to try some "delightful" turkish treats thanks to Colbie! We worked on our Word Wall, "How to get dressed" story, and we doodled an icecream cone.

In math we did a listening quiz and corrected it ourselves! We talked about patterns. We went over attributes (describing words like shape, color, size), elements (items in a pattern), core (the part that repeats), and what makes a pattern. We also did math with a friend and played poison pill. 

After recess we had language arts. We did a writers workshop on "Think it, ink it". What every you are thinking, no matter how random, you write it down. I had some students almost fill a page. We also talked about spelling. We talked about what we do if we come to a word we dont know how to spell. Use our morning strategies, underline the word, and keep on writing! We shared our writing and went to lunch!

After lunch we had PE in the gym with Ms. McFarlene. Did you get to use the parachute again today? We left the gym and went straight to the computer lab! Today we got our very own login's. Try to memorize your login! We also learned about the the Windows start button and volume control.

We finished off the day with another chapter from our flat stanley book. Why was Stanley cross at Anthony when he went for a soda? We talked about fire drill and bus safety. Everyone got their agenda's signed and we called it a day!

Get lots of rest and I will see you all in the morning!

Posted: September 7, 2016

It was a warm day at Ian Baillie today! We started off our day with our regular routine.  We opened our agenda's and I collected memo's, fee's, and responded to notes.  The students set up their language arts page.  We worked on Word Wall Words, a "How to eat breakfast" introduction, and we doodled a cat.  We also started some of our Daily 5 activities.  The 5 activities that we can choose to work on each day.  Today we filled up our book boxes and went over the expectation of our "read to self" activity. 

After a beautiful outdoor recess we had math.  In math we also work on 5 different activites.  We a listening quiz, where students number 1 to 5 and I read them different numbers to see if they know them.  We then did "Math with a friend".  Students were paired up today and played poison pill.  They were given 9 yellow blocks and 1 blue block.  Each student took a turn and had to take 1, 2, or 3 blocks each turn.  Who ever was forced to take the final blue block (poison pill) lost.  You can try at home with 2 different types of coins.  We finished off with "Math by Myself".  Students were given 5 minutes to do as many questions as they could on an Math worksheet .  We also talked about patterns.  What is a pattern, and what is the core?

After lunch we had You and Your world.  We are doing our community unit.  The first part is to talk about your family.  Family are the people that you care about and that care about you.  Sometimes we have more than one family, like our home family, our school family, or our hobby families.   We did a quick portrait of the people we would put in our home families. 

Next we had PE with Mrs. McFarlene.  Did I see a giant parachute in the gym?

We finished off the day reading a chapter from "Flat Stanley".  Do you remember what made him flat?  How did his parents afford to send him to California?  We also worked with number song in French.  Can you figure out how to say your phone number in French?  We got our agenda's signed and we had a quick dance party to celebrate a great day!

The first week is going so well, make sure you get lots of sleep and I will see you in morning!


Posted: September 6, 2016

It was a fun first day!  We have a great class and everyone is picking up the routines quickly.  In language arts we worked on setting up our pages, our word wall, spelling, and we did a doodle.  After recess we had math.  In math we worked on counting forward by tens starting at any number. "Start at 3 and add 10 each time".  How would a hundreds chart be helpful with this.  We also worked on even and odd numbers. After lunch we had PE with Ms. McFarlene before going to the computer lab.  We finished off the day working in our agenda's, getting them signed, and placing our bus tags on our book bags. 

I dont do homework.  The purpose of homework in grade 2 is to establish a link between the work we are doing in the classroom and home.  Instead of creating and correcting homework I will do my best to report what we did each day on this teacher page.  If there is a personal communication required I will use the students agenda. 

I will check the agendas every morning for notes, forms, monies, etc.  I will sign them at the end of the day with a happy face, straight face, or sad face depending on the students behavior that day. 

There are several memo's and forms (some that need to be filled out and returned to the school), and a supplies fee of $30 (if you havent paid already) that I will be checking agenda's for tomorrow. 

Get lots of rest and I will see you bright and early in the morning. 

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Posted: August 31, 2016


Welcome to Grade 2!   The class lists will be on the door in the morning and I have attached the supplies list along with the memo's that will be going home on the first day.




Aiden D.
Zoey D.
Brea D.
Wyatt D.
Reese G.
Lauchlan J.
Ryan K.
Denny K.
Xander M.
Isabelle M.
Colbie M.D.
Lana R.
Mikail T.
Gavin T.

See you all very soon!

Posted: June 17, 2016

The sun was shining today!  Its been a while since thats happened!  We started off the day with a sharing circle about our plans for the weekend.  We did our regular routine.  Our spelling word was "Beijing", our letter was to Mrs. Hill, and we doodled a fox.  In language arts today Mrs. Hill was out sick.  We did our regular daily 5 activities.  After an OUTDOOR recess, we had make something that does something.  Today we worked on making paper boats that that could hold pennies.  Does the shape of your boat matter?  After lunch we did an art piece of a shopkin before heading outside to work in the community garden with Mrs. Hache.  We finished off the day reading outside.  I read from the one and only Ivan.  We earned a few minutes on the playground, and we came in to watch a bit of footage from a drone that was flying over IBP.  Have a great weekend and I will see you next week! 

Posted: June 15, 2016

Another normal day in Grade 2!  We started off the day talking about tomorrows Show and Tell.  We cant bring any pets, due to allergies, if you bring expensive items like ipads than you are responsible for them!  Accidents do happen and things do get broke (and rarely lost/stolen).  Please make good choices.  Our spelling word was "mathematics", we went over a few parts of a letter, and we doodled our jellyfish.   We then went to LA with Mrs. Hill.  We worked on our Daily 5 activities. After an indoor recess we had math.  In math we worked on place value, subtraction (both adding up and two digit regrouping), and we worked on flash cards with a friend.  After an OUTDOOR lunch, we had computer.  We worked with wordpad.  We had a top secret PE class!  I wasn't even allowed to watch!  We finished off the day reading "The One and Only Ivan".   Who was having trouble sleeping?  What did Ivan call his domain for the first time ever?  We then took 8 minutes to clean our desks.  Get lots of sleep, choose your Show and tell item carefully, and I will see you in the morning!


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