Posted: June 14, 2016
We followed the regular routine for the day. Our spelling word was "unforgettable" and our letter was addressed to "Dear Grade 3 Teacher,". We doodled a jellyfish. Before math we did a quick desk clean! In math we worked on our place value, regrouping which is sometimes called borrowing for subtraction, and we played some dice games. After an indoor recess we went to LA with Mrs. Hill. We did our regular daily 5 activities and we worked on our bucket list for summer! What are some activities you put down to do this summer? After an indoor lunch we worked on some mindfulness and talked about how to slow down our breathing and our heart rate to calm our body. Next we had PE with Mrs Hache. After PE we read for the "The One and Only Ivan". Do you like the way that Mack is training Ruby? We finished off our day with our book of gratitude, got our agenda's signed, and packed up for home. Remember we are having a Show and Tell on Thursday. Get lots of rest and I will see you tomorrow!