Mr. McCallum - Archive - 2011

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Posted: February 9, 2010

The new Video Math Bonus Question has been posted Answers are due before the Draw Friday morning!  Good Luck everyone.

Posted: February 9, 2010

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Mr. Murphy our school guidance councilor was down at the pond hockey and had a very interesting question to ask our class.  Im posting it on a Tuesday and the answers are due Friday!  You'll have to work extra hard at finding time for this one.  Good Luck boys and girls!  Mr. Murphy will be in on Friday to draw for the winner!

Posted: February 8, 2010

 GREAT DAY!  What a way to start the week.  Unless of course, you're like the boys in our book who have been barricaded in a cave with logs and hundreds of little creatures!  Do you remember what kind of creatures are in the cave?  In math today we talked more about why measurement might be important, when we would use it in real life, and we practiced how to measure things using snap cube units!   This will be a busy week, Wednesday we skate, Thursday dance competition judging takes place (for those who wanted to dance), and Friday the class all dresses in Blue so that we can form the blue ring of the the olympic rings!  Hope tomorrow was as good as today! 

Posted: February 8, 2010

 1.  father 2.  pets 3.  mother 4.  girls 5.  other 6.  say 7.  brother 8.  hay 9.  sister       10.  boys  

Posted: February 4, 2010

Today we started off reading our chapter book and we now have 3 suspects who might be out to get the treasure in the town of Cabin Creek.  Do you remember who they are?  We did math for a change this morning.  We used string to help us measure each others height, and we used snap cube units to measure items in the class.  Im happy to say that no one had their name taken off the wheel for recess today either.  We had Fast ForWord and we are seeing lots of stars in the games and some people are even on to reading two now!  After lunch we went to gym class.  I don't like to report this because we had such a fabulous day otherwise, but gym didn't go so well.  We decided to warm up with a game, and I had to end it.  I had students in this class whining and even crying about who was following the rules, who was cheating, what was unfair because the referee didn't call it.  It was awful, I was shocked!  I was so disappointed that I had to cancel gym after the warm up and have a talk about sportsmanship. Again other than that a wonderful day.  We finished up with a book swap and expanding our idea webs!  Remember tomorrow is Jersey day so you can wear a hockey Jersey and we have an assembly at 10:30!  Dress warm incase we go out!  See you tomorrow.  

Posted: February 3, 2010

We do have a spelling test on Friday, but I forgot to post that today.  The words were posted earlier this week.  A good day today.  This class (including myself) finds it very hard when we don't get outside.  We tend to crank up the crazy when this happens.  We do have some outlets at recess like dance revolution on the PS2, board games, computers, coloring sheets and other responsible choices.  Everyone gets their name on a wheel so that everyone gets a chance to rotate through these activities, but it really doesn't substitute for a good run outside.  That being said, due to the "crazy", we have moved from a 3 strike system, where the class stays in; to individual names get taken off the wheel for a day put into the penalty box at recess to do printing sheets.  We had a couple of penalties today, but thats to be expected with a rule change.  In our chapter book today we found some silver spurs that we think might be important!  Do you know why?  In PE we did some work with the scooters.  In Math we introduced using non standard "units" to measure things.  We used "worm units" in our example on the smart board to measure a gingerbread man, but can you think of some things we said would be good measuring units?  How about things that might not be so good and why? 

Posted: February 3, 2010

We did something a bit different today in place of our Morning Letter.  A few students in our class like to put there feet in their desk, and kneel on their chairs during class.  After a recent American Idol episode I started singing my rendition of this song to the class and now the students have picked it up and run with it!  Great job guys! Feet on the floor, feet on the floor,Sittin up straight, looking at the board,Looking at the teacher, not talking no more,The bell has gone, and we shut the door,We're ready to learn, with our feet on the floor.Feet on the floor, feet on the floor,Sitting up straight with our feet on the floor!   

Posted: February 2, 2010

  A loud crowd today!  We need to get outside, but it doesn't look like it will be happening anytime soon.  Family Fun night is a great way to burn some energy!  (Hint, Hint)  We worked on writing about "love" today (Valentines is coming up) and we did more calendar work in Math.  We also started a bit of art where we are working a new green screen back drop for the morning announcements.  Good luck to everyone.  Maybe we will see you tonight!  

Posted: February 1, 2010

  It was a cold day so we didn't get outside at all today, so we might have some extra energy to burn at home tonight.  In our Cabin Creek Mystery the boys found a clue, but it was clue that told them someone else is looking for the treasure.  Do you know what they found?  A good day in Fast ForWord, and we worked on some Volley ball skills in PE.  In math we worked some more on days of week and months of the year.  Students are to ask an older person why they think it is important that we order the year with using months and report back. The new spelling words are posted and Family Fitness night is tomorrow night.  Have a great night and try to burn off some of that extra energy!



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Added: Wed, Mar 23 2011