Mr. McCallum - Archive - 2011

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Posted: February 1, 2010

1.  play  2.  she3.  day  4.  away5.  girl  6.  way7.  boy  8.  may9.  dad 10.  mom

Posted: January 27, 2010

 In our book today Mr. Wellback did something very interesting with the map of the island, do you remember what it was?  After Fast ForWord today we had writing with Mrs. MacIsaac, I was very impressed with some of the writing.  In PE today we worked on volleying with the soft balls (spade, look, coil, explode).   In math today we introduced months of the year (Sha la la la la).  And we finished off the day with Mr. Lange in the land of the silver birch.  I will be in the building tomorrow, but Mr. Somers will be running the class.  I will see everyone tomorrow in their PJ's.

Posted: January 26, 2010

  We read another chapter in our book today.  The kids got to the island and found an old camp and made it into a fort.  They now plan to go and find the man they call Mr. Wellback.  Do you know why they call him that?  In math today we worked on using a calendar, and what the date would be one week from now, a week ago, a week and 3 days and so on.  I have to admit, we have some more work to do on that.  You may want to practice at home a bit.  In Art today we worked on doing some weaving with paper, but we will have to finish our project tomorrow.  Remember to wear a crazy hat tomorrow!  

Posted: January 25, 2010

What a bunch of nerds I had today!  We started out the day today with the students making the new seating arrangements instead of a morning letter.  I must say they did a very good job.  We also started our Idea Web for writing which we will work on more tomorrow.  In our chapter book today the 3 boys and Claire packed up the boat with the dogs and some other treasures and were heading off to the island.  What do they think they will find on that island?  In math we worked on using a calendar and identifying the date.  Tomorrow is backwards day, wear your clothes backwards and bring a dollar to go towards Haiti.  Get some sleep and I will see you tomorrow.. or yesterday... this backwards thing is going to be confusing!!

Posted: January 25, 2010

 1.  trees 2.  read 3.  dogs 4.  back 5.  pigs 6.  lots 7.  black 8.  cats 9.  eat       10.  or

Posted: January 21, 2010

  Although I was out of the class today I was in the building and spend the day doing some reading testing with the students in our class.  Miss Cook said everyone was great and that she had no problems!  We started a new chapter book, Mrs. Hache's favorite series, Cabin Creek Mysteries: The Secret of the Robbers Cave.  Im going to have to get the students to bring me up to speed, ask your child to tell you what's happened so far.  Im out again tomorrow doing some Math work, but I may sneak into the building to check up on everyone!  Good luck on your spelling test!  

Posted: January 20, 2010

 I was gone for the morning but I was very pleased with Mr. Somers report.  I was particularly pleased because I had to have a talk with the whole class in the afternoon about behavior.  I love to be silly and allow the students to be silly, BUT if your being silly when it's time to be serious, its NOT silly its RUDE.  We also had to talk about how the rules are the same for everyone, so If I ask one student to stop doing something silly, I shouldn't see other people doing that exact thing!   So after that unpleasant talk we all took a few deep breath's, returned to our happy places, and had a great afternoon!  We did a reading maze, spelling activity, and finished up with a game of quiet ball (Logan won today).  Tomorrow I will be pulling students from the class for reading tests and Miss Cook will be in the class.  I should also mention that the class was very excited to see the floor hockey information is now posted under sports.  Good luck to all teams!

Posted: January 19, 2010

 1.  to 2.  hope 3.  try 4.  too 5.  home 6.  do 7.  by 8.  you 9.  my        10.  your Note:  There have been some questions about the bonus word.  I try to make the bonus word a 3 syllable word and remind the students that for each syllable they hear they must have at least one vowel in that chunk.  I also try to make the word one that most students would only occasionally use in their writing.  This is to encourage students to at least try.  Remember if you get wrong there is no penalty, and if you get it right BONUS! 

Posted: January 19, 2010

 Its been a bit hard for me to adjust my schedule lately and I have missed a few days on the agenda's and Morning Letters because of it, but I think I have everything under control and we should be back to clockwork now.  We read our Jigsaw Jones book today.  When we left Jigsaw and Mila they were about to go into the Ghost Writers house, only, something about it made it seem.... not so spooky.  Do you remember what it was?  We also talked about outdoor activities today like ice fishing, and we did some cool writing.  I will try my best to get some of the stories online soon.  We had some high scores in Fast ForWord today.  In math we launched our Unit on Measurement.  You can help your child by having them compare and order objects in your home using words such as longest/shortest and heaviest/lightest.  Tomorrow I am out in the morning, but Mr. Somers will fill in for me until lunch.  Don't forget your book orders, and I will see you soon.

Posted: January 15, 2010

  A great day!



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Added: Wed, Mar 23 2011